Excel TGI Race Car Game DELUXE |
Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines! This Race Car game features a graphical race car track with cars racing around the track as your trainees and students answer your training questions correctly. This game is loaded with all of the features you expect from our DELUXE version games, PLUS a database to track single player games. |
- Graphical race track with cars moving around the track in response to the answers given.
- Graphic Viewer allows you to show a separate image for any questions. Images can contain additional text, charts, graphs or pictures.
- Team play can be set for 2 to 4 teams, and the team names appear as the game is played.
- Individual Play Option - This game can be emailed to trainees as a pre-work exercise or given to class participants as a fun way to review the course materials. What a fantastic learning enhancer!
- For individual play, a user database is created showing scores, # correct, # wrong, % correct and which questions were answered incorrectly. Also shows a Top 10 list at the end of each single player game. The database also contains 2 user Identification fields and the ability to export the database.
- Game clock, allows you to pre-set play time and keep you on schedule.
- Question Timer, allows you to limit how long a team has to answer a question.
- Automatic scoring, and scoreboard to track each teams progress.
- Game ends automatically when you run out of time or questions - also the END GAME function is available in case of an unexpected schedule change!
- A special tie-breaker option button.
- Exciting game sounds with volume adjustment and on/off sound switch right in the game itself.
- Questions can be presented sequentially or in non-repeating random order.
- You can include an event name and your OWN GRAPHIC LOGO on the game screen.
- Type or import your own training questions in the game or purchase our special business question sets. (From Diversity to General Trivia)
- "Save As" option allows you to save different versions of the game.
- Game Strategy Options like 50/50 or “Double Your Bet”. You define how many they get!
- Password protected question sheets so the game can be distributed without the user being able to view or change the questions before a game is played.
- Three User Defined Question Categories.
- Question order can be sorted and easily rearranged so your important questions appear first!
- Includes a separate Question Deluxe Application to make entering questions a cinch! Comes complete with question editor.
- Since questions can be imported into any TGI game, you can easily manage different question sets. Have question sets for ALL your training programs!!
- Full Screen mode to make the game as large as your screen for better visibility when using a projector.
- Includes complete game instructions and a special Rules Pop-Up to quickly explain the game to your participants. |
the Race Car Game DELUXE
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