Training Games Excel Quiz Show Game XF |
This Quiz Show game is really loaded. It has everything including the kitchen sink. We put every feature we could think of in this one. It's is really 4 games in 1 with the ability to change the configurations of the 4 base games to over 40 different game variations. Here are a few of the major features:
— Team play features up to 8 teams with as many as 20 players/team.
— Input your own training questions or download popular business, educational, and trivia Question Sets available FREE for our XF Game purchasers (Literally 1000s of pre-written questions)
— The ability to interface with USB buzzer systems or work stand-alone buzzers for FAST RESPONSE Games.
— A database to track individual player games and monitor their learning progress.
— Contains four great quiz show games including our classic quiz show, a Jeopardy type game, a single player game in which you play against the computer and our latest single player game we call "All The Way?", a millionaire type game.
— Four Game Show Emcees to choose from or use your own.
— A new easy to use Game Setup screen.
— Includes 5 new Mini-Games as game scoring options.
— Includes a mini-application to e-mail follow-up review or pre-work questions to trainees
— A full list of features is found below
Not only is this version compatible with Excel 2007 but it has enhanced sounds, animations and features. Each one of your training questions can include graphics, sounds, additional text or any multi-media file including a PowerPoint slide show. This moves the focus of our training games from review to being an integral part of your teaching experience. This ensures that your people are totally involved with your material right from the start. Click HERE to see the actual Game Help file in PDF format. This help file shows you most of the game screens and available options available. Click HERE to see a feature comparison with this game and other quiz show offers. |
Game Features:
Team Play Features:
1.) Team play features up to 8 teams with as many as 20 players/team.
2.) XF team games can be set to be play with many different options and question delivery choices. In addition there are two distinctly different team game formats we call our Quiz Show and Peril games. The Quiz Show Format allows the answering team to first select a question category from 3 categories before answering. Alternatively, this game can be played by having an opposing team select the question category for the team that is up. In this way we ensure more player involvement on each and every question. Peril, is a jeopardy style team game. "I'll take Leadership for $600".
3.) Team games can be played in Normal or Fast Response mode. Fast Response means the team that answers first gets the question. The XF games work with USB Buzzer Systems or manually (i.e. teams ring a bell or raise their hands to signal they have the answer).
4.) There is even a Random Team Selector built into the game for yet another way to select a team to answer.
Single Player Features:
1.) Single player games include "You against the Computer" in which you first determine the percentage of questions that your computer opponent will answer correctly and a Millionaire style game called "All The Way". In this game you play for ever increasing score values with the game ending only when you answer incorrectly.
2.) Single player games display the "TOP TEN" player scores at the end of each single player game. Great ways to have participants compete and learn.
3.) In addition, a single player database records individual scores, No. of correct and incorrect answers as well as the specific questions individual players missed. The database can be extracted and easily e-mailed to a central location for review.
Question Features:
TGI XF games provide you with several innovative ways to input save and distribute questions within the game. A special HELP file is found within the Questions Database itself to provide you specific instructions for inputting questions. We've listed some additional XF game question features found throughout the game below:
1.) Handles Multiple Choice (A, B, C, & D answers), True/False or Fill-in the blank type questions.
2.) Questions can be presented in sequential or non-repeating random order.
3.) Import questions from a separate file OR enter/edit your questions directly into the game.
4.) Question font size can be increased within the game for greater visibility or decreased to accommodate lengthy questions.
5.) The number of questions remaining in the game is displayed on the scoreboard as well as on other question/category selection screens.
6.) Question Categories disappear when all the questions in the category have been used.
7.) The game automatically ends when all game questions have been used (or when pre-set game time has expired).
8.) TGI XF games contain a built in pre-work and follow-up review file. This is a game within a game delivering training questions which can be e-mailed to participants as a pre-training exercises or post-training review (Located within the Questions Database File).
Adding Sound, Text and Graphics to Individual Questions:
1.) Additional Graphic. This is the ability to attach an external graphic image to any question, adding visuals to your question presentation. This affords the facilitator many different display options (Charts, tables, pictures) and also allows the instructor to expound on the question, and the learner to more clearly understand the information being presented. Note: PowerPoint allows you to save entire presentations as individual slides in the below listed formats, and attached these to questions as needed. Image formats include GIF / JPG / BMP / EMF or WMF.
2.) Additional Sounds. This is the ability to attach an external sound file to any question. This can be your voice or music. The XF games also feature a sound recorder (Questions Database). Using a computer microphone you can record, create and attach WAV files to any of your game questions.
3.) Additional Text. This is the ability to attach additional text to a question which can be popped up over the question. This is perfect for inserting an exercise, a comment, a hint, an explanation or reference information. Text can be typed directly into the Question database located in the game. This text box display will also allow you to scroll down when reading large text entries.
4.) Additional File. This is the best of all of these features. With this option you can attach an external file of any type to a question. Exceptions: File type must be supported by your computer and cannot be another MS Excel file. Examples of the types of files which can be used are multi-media files like movies (AVI), MPEG, or MP3 files. Also a PowerPoint file saved as a Slideshow (PPS) will slip seamlessly into your game making it an easy way to present training material to your group from inside the structure of a game. The same game can be used for review afterwards to reinforce the learning.
5.) Additional sounds, text, graphic and file buttons appear with the question during game play and can be used to present additional information before or after the question is answered. Button labels may also be changed (For example, you might create a HINT, or More Info button). Change button labels on the Setup screen.
Scoring and Game Strategy Options:
These are options that add strategy and fun into each game. We've provide a full array of options which can be easily added into or removed from your training game (Setup screen).
1.) Pass Option: This is the ability for a team to pass the question to the next team. This is not available in the single player game.
2.) Lose 1 Option: This option will allow the team with the question to have the computer eliminate one wrong answer from any multiple choice questions that have more than three possible answers.
3.) Double Option: This option will allow the team answering the question to double the point value for this question.
4.) Mystery Score Option: This option will allow the answering team to elect to play for a random point value for the current question. The minimum and maximum possible point values are set on the Game's Setup screen (From Min. 1 to Max 99).
5.) Mini-Game Option: This option will allow the team with the question to play a mini-game and increase the questions overall point value. There are six possible mini-games which can be displayed and are shown at random. Mini-games work as point multipliers, the better the mini-game is played - the higher the point multiplier (up to 6X). For example, Solving a mini-game on the first try will multiply the questions point value by 6. So a question originally worth 5 pts. is now worth 30!
6.) Allow Minus Scoring: This option will allow points to be deducted for incorrect answers. Typically team/players are not penalized for incorrect answers. All the above options can be selected to appear in a game on the setup screen and at the facilitator's discretion.
Program Options found in XF Games
The Program MENU button located in the top left corner of the screen has many different functions.
1.) The "Go to�" navigation will allow you to move to various game screens.
2.) The "Adjust Sounds" buttons will let you adjust the volume level of the computer sounds.
3.) The "Adjust Scores" button opens a pop-up that allows you to adjust the scores on the scoreboard (a great "just in case" feature)
4.) The "Manual End of Game" button forces the game to end. This is a great option if your game is running long and you need to wrap it up to stay on schedule.
5.) "Restore Full Screen" maximizes the full screen size for game play.
6.) The "Tie Breaker" is available to help decide tied games.
Game Customizing Features:
1.) Name Your Game: On the Setup screen you can enter a game name to coincide with your learning program.
2.) Team Player Names: Enter team and player names that will appear on the scoreboard and on question game screens.
3.) Organization Logo: On the Setup screen enter your organizations logo. Use GIF or JPG formats.
4.) Auto Adjusting Scoreboard - TGI's XF games offer you many different game and scoring options. The scoreboard will automatically adjust to show just the options you select for each game
5.) Scoring Labels: Scoring can be recorded in Points, Dollars, Pounds or Euros
6.) Question Categories: Within the Questions Database you can input up to three program or question categories (Default categories are Easy, Medium, and Hard).
Sound Features:
1.) Great Game sounds (The good, the bad, and the ugly)
2.) Program start and Intermission music on main game screen
3.) Wait sound - As in "I need your answer NOW!"
Game Time Features:
1.) Game timer can be set from OFF to up to 4 hours of game play.
2.) Game automatically ends when pre-set time has expired (or game runs out of questions).
3.) 5 minute overtime feature - Use this for tied scores or if your group just doesn't want the game to end!
One Final Feature Note:
1.) On the main screen of the game we've placed a chalkboard/flipchart. Here you can enter questions and notes that come up during your program. A scroll (down) bar is automatically available should you fill the screen with notes. In addition, you can copy and send notes to class or meeting participants. |
No. of Users |
Type of License |
Price |
Single Trainer |
Lifetime |
$169.99 |
Multi Trainer |
Lifetime |
$399.99 |
Lifetime License |
— Single Trainer License - An individual license for ONE trainer or teacher. (More)
— Multi Trainer License - Covers all trainers/teachers in your organization.
— Direct Download - This delivery method is completely free. You will be able to download a product via a secure link we send you in the email order confirmation message.
— CD Delivery - We'll also place your application(s) on CD, so you'll have a secure external copy. CD delivery costs US $10 for First Class Mail (5-7 business days) or US $20 for Priority Mail (2-3 business days).
— Flash Drive - In addition to sending you the download link, we'll also place your application(s) on a 2 GB retractable Flash Drive, so you'll always have a secure back-up copy and be able to keep important files on your new flash drive. The Flash Drive plus shipping and handling costs US $30 for First Class Mail (5-7 business days) or US $40 for Priority Mail (2-3 business days). Select the Flash Drive delivery options above. |