Excel TGI Pyramid
of the Sun Game |
Description: The quest to see who will be first to build THE PYRAMID OF
THE SUN. Two competing teams of trainees (Individuals can also play against
the computer) compete to add blocks to the pyramid. Great strategies deployed
in this exciting game! |
Game Features:
There are some wild strategies in this game.
The object is to amass points by building as many pyramids as you can for
correctly answering multiple choice questions.
Three of your training program questions are actually displayed on screen
simultaneously, and each competing team gets to pick the opposing team's
next question.
Then the opposing team has the option to:
--Answer the question for points and a pyramid block
--or use one of their 50/50 options, removing one wrong answer selection
before trying the question
--or use a Pass Option to return the question to challenge the competing
team to give it a try (The Trainer sets the amount of pass and 50/50 options
available to each team)
Watch out! Wrong answers result in loss of one block and slowing your ascent
to the sun.
Scoring and team selection are automatic
Program Features:
Change game screen name
Change question categories
Enter team names
Enter up to 30 players' names
Enter your own questions
Exciting game sounds
Game timer
Human vs Computer
Import outside question files
Password protected question sheets
Question timer
Randomized questions
Randomized sounds
File "Save As" function |
the Pyramid of the Sun Game
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