Issue 10
Learning CAN be fun. Training SHOULD be fun. Training Games ARE fun!
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What's New at Training Games
Classroom Quiz Show Game XF

A new XF game we call the TGI Classroom Quiz Show Game XF is our latest addition. This game has all the great features of our TGI Quiz Show Game but is designed for teachers. Features include:
— Team play features up to 8 teams with as many as 20 students/team.
� Input your own teaching questions or download our educational, and trivia Question Sets available FREE for our XF Game purchasers (Literally 1000s of pre-written questions)
� The ability to interface with USB buzzer systems or work stand-alone buzzers for FAST RESPONSE games.
� A database to track individual student games and monitor their learning progress.
� Contains four great Classroom Quiz Show games including our classic quiz show, a Jeopardy type game, a single player game in which you play against the computer and our latest single player game we call "All The Way?", a millionaire type game.
� Four Game Show Teachers (Emcees) to choose from or use your own.
See complete game description at:

FREE Question Sets with XF Games

At TGI we have been busy improving our products and now when you purchase any TGI XF style game, we give you access to over 30 different, editable question sets on a variety of topics from teambuilding and leadership to sport and holiday trivia.

With TGI Games you can add your own questions, import our pre-written questions or combine them both for an exciting and fun training program.

See the question sets available at:
(link removed - now expired)

Ready Set Present!
Presentation materials to enhance ANY program. Topics include:

Challenging Employees Change
Coaching Skills Communication
Customer Service
Decision Making
Gender Differences
Goal Setting
Performance Evaluation
Problem Solving
Stress Management
Team Building
Time Management

Details and Pricing on Ready Set Present! Products

Products From TGI
Contact [email protected] or call 602-750-7223

Generating Training for New Generations
Yep, it's not your father's Oldsmobile any longer. Things have changed. There's a new guy in town, actually two, the Gen X, a.k.a Baby Busters � born 1965 � 1977, 45 million strong and the Gen Y, a.k.a Millennials or Generation Next � born 1978 � 1995, a whopping 60 million, are here. They are demanding to be trained, but not with that old, stodgy, text and lecture-based, training methodology we Boomers have unfortunately accepted. Most writers will tell you that the Busters and Millennials are looking for training that is visually stimulating, high tech, requiring interactive problem solving. Training that is creative and FUN, and is NOT heavy on PowerPoint slides and lengthy lectures. And you know what else, they are absolutely asking for the right stuff.

The truth is most everyone would prefer this type of training; however we've unfortunately accepted less in the past. You see it has taken us a long time to develop this very rote, left brained, linear system of learning and we were slow to relinquish it. So it's good that kids don't always listen to their parents. But really it is not our fault: more like our parent's, parent's, parent's, parent's � well, you get the idea, all the way back to the time of Johannes Gutenberg. You know, in the 1440s, the guy with the printing press. Because before the company LMS, the web, computers, television and Edison's moving pictures, we had books! And you can't get any more left-brained and linear than books. Now far be it for me to bash books. Indeed in Dave Meier's fantastic book, called The Accelerated Learning Handbook, he provides us with a logical succession of systemic educational influencers that have led us to the way we train and educate today. These include things like New England's Puritanism (the Common School Movement), American individualism (may the best MAN win, education), the Industrial Revolution (a most standardized approach), and male dominance. Although we all use our entire brain, men seem to rely more on left brain functionality. They tend to think sequentially, are analytical, linear, preferring to take their educational epiphanies one piece at a time. In effect our educational system followed suit, making it difficult for more visually-oriented, multi-sensory, and holistic learners. So the news is good, and we can now embrace, and really should celebrate, this inexorable change.

We need to design training that will excite the new X and Y generations. People who are, to say the least, technically savvy. They grew up with computers in school. The web is second nature to them. They simply love computer games. Susan El-Shamy points out in her book How to Design and Deliver Training for the New and Emerging Generations, "Research conducted in 2002 by the Interactive Digital Software Association looked into the computer game playing habits of U.S. residents age six and over and found that more than 50% play computer games." What was then a 6.9 billion dollar industry has literally exploded. El-Shamy goes on to say "When you combine the on-going game playing habits of younger learners with their constant use of computers and the Internet � there is bound to be an effect on how they prefer to learn, how they learn best, and how they are most comfortable learning".

Remember, unlike the Boomers that "Live to Work" so they may one day enjoy a secure retirement, Gen X and Gen Y individuals "Work to Live" and are comfortable with job changes, especially if it means adding to their skill set. The emerging generations will demand training programs that involve team work, collaboration, interactive exercises, critical thinking skills, self-directed learning and autonomy within their classrooms. The approach is more learner-centered, and admittedly more difficult to design programs around. However, it is indisputable that we ALL learn best when we engage the learning, when we are active versus passive learners, and in this regard, we have good reason to celebrate this inevitable change.

Famous Quotes
"That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the next." — John Stuart Mill

"No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, turn back." — Proverb

"Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better." — Harry S. Truman

Let's Play the TGI Football Game XF!
TGI Football XFThis is a fun and interactive team game in which answering your training questions correctly moves the ball down field. As your team gets the answers right, you�ll score TDs, extra points, and field goals. Wrong answers result in lost yardage, fumbles and turnovers. This game is packed with great trainer features like automatic scoring, game timer, both team and individual play. Trainers can attach graphics, movie files, sounds and even PowerPoint mini � presentations to ANY question so the game can be used for program delivery as well as general review.

Pricing starting at $99.99 - More information or purchase now

TGI Presentation Game 3.0
Presentation GameTurn ANY PowerPoint presentation into a Presentation Game with this unique Excel based application. Using The Presentation Game energizes and engages your audience. It's easy to use and you can convert an unlimited number of your PowerPoint presentations into presentation games; and access them all with the press of a button. You can even enhance your presentation by adding game questions, discussion points, additional information, sounds and bonus points to any slide. Converts presentations with up to 200 SLIDES!

Single User Annual License just $74.99 - More information or purchase now

Visit our Website at
Download the TGI Catalog

TGI Quiz Show Game XF
Quiz Show Game XFThis Quiz Show game is really loaded. It has everything including the kitchen sink. We put every feature we could think of in this one. It's is really 4 games in 1 with the ability to change the configurations of the 4 base games to over 40 different game variations. Compatible with Excel 2007 and has enhanced sounds, animations and features.

Priced from $99.99
More information or purchase now

Training Games Inc.
Gary Trotta, CEO
4545 E Hedgehog Pl
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
[email protected]
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© Copyright 2007. Training Games Inc.